Dr. Anna Berger,

Munich Bar (admitted to all German Courts, except the Federal Court of Justice in civil legal matters) since 2023


Doctorate (Dr. iur.) in criminal procedural law


Languages: German, English

Anna studied law at the University of Passau with a special focus on criminal law, white collar crime and corporate law. She completed her legal traineeship in the Higher Regional Court districts of Nuremburg and Munich.

While pursuing her doctorate, Anna worked as a research associate in two international law firms in Frankfurt and Munich, specializing in corporate law and capital markets law (IDCM).

Apart from that, while working on her dissertation, Anna taught criminal law at the University of Regensburg. In 2023, she completed her doctorate in German criminal procedural law at the same university, earning the distinction ‘summa cum laude’.

Since 2023, Anna is an Associate at stetter Rechtsanwälte where she already began her career as a legal trainee in 2021. She provides legal counsel and representation to individuals and companies in matters related to white-collar criminal law and acts as witness counsel in white-collar crime proceedings and internal investigations.

Anna is representing and represented clients in very significant criminal matters in Germany. Her top three representations include the following matters:


1. White-Collar Defense: Defense of a Former Pharmacist Against the Allegation of Fraud

Defense counsel of a former pharmacist in criminal proceedings concerning the allegation of fraud in the billing of “orphan” drugs  in connection with an innovative patient support program. 


2. White-Collar Defense: Defense of a Former Board Member of a Major German Company Against the Allegation of Severe Tax Evasion

Defense counsel of a former board member of a major German company relating to the allegation of severe tax evasion.


3. White-Collar Defense: Witness Counsel and Defense of a Board Member against the allegation of attempted fraud and market and stock exchange manipulation

Witness counsel and defense counsel of a board member of a listed corporation in the criminal proceedings and in the context of internal investigations relating to the allegation of attempted fraud and market and stock exchange manipulation among others.


In dubio pro reo and probability judgments - An investigation into judicial decision-making using prediction norms, suspicion norms and estimation clauses in criminal proceedings, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2023

to The Book

Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wohlers, GA 2024, 591-593


"Deadly Boredom" (Criminal Law Undergraduate Examination), JA 2020, 748 – 757



Dr. Anna Berger together with Dr. Johannes Makepeace | Probability Assessment and Judgment
Training event for specialist lawyers in criminal law in accordance with § 15 FAO, Munich


Anna is member of the following associations:


  • Women’s White Collar Defense Association (WWCDA),
  • Juistinnen im Wirtschafts- und Steuerstrafrecht (JuWiSt) – Association of Female White Collar and Tax Crime Lawyers,
  • Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung (WisteV) – White Collar Defense Association,
  • Initiative Bayerischer Strafverteidigerinnen und Strafverteidiger e.V. - Initiative of Bavarian Criminal Defense Lawyers,
  • Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV) – German Bar Association – Working Groups on Criminal Law and Medical Law,
  • Rechtsanwaltskammer (RAK) München – Munich Bar Association.